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Escape From Mars

You are not Alone

An alien virus has infected the crew of Mars Base Epsilon, the first off world colony, and strange insect like creatures swarm the outpost. Players must discover and quarantine the alien host, living among them, inside one of the crew, they must also gather alien gene samples, then via the communication room, request rescue. It’s a race against time as crew become infected, drone aliens will be drawn to the colony until eventually an Apex alien will arrive and wreak havoc on the colony and its crew.


60-120 mins

1-4 Players

Heavy Weight


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Want you know more? Follow the 'Making of Escape From Mars' blog, for a full deep dive into every aspect of the games creation.

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You are part of a crew on Mars Base Epsilon, the first off-world colony. But something has gone terribly wrong. An alien virus has infected one of your crewmates and turned them into monstrous insect-like creature. This alien host is hiding among you and spreading the infection. Can you find out who it is and quarantine them before it’s too late? Can you also collect alien gene samples and contact Earth for rescue? And can you survive the onslaught of alien drones and the terrifying alpha alien?


Escape from Mars is a deduction, horror, sci-fi puzzle for 1-4 players. You will have to explore the colony, search for clues and items, manage your crew’s health and infection levels, fight off aliens with dice combat, deal with crisis events and distrustful crew members, seal off parts of the base and set defenses, send a robot to rescue fallen crew members, prepare medicines and vaccines, stock up on ammo, jump in a space suit and search the planet surface, research the alien gene codes, destroy the alien drones and hold out until the rescue ship arrives.


But be careful: one of you may be an alien host in disguise. Will you escape from Mars…or bring doom to Earth?​​​

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